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How to wear oversized tshirt # 10 ideas you can rock

How to wear oversized t-shirt # 10 ideas you can rock

These days, oversized T-shirts are all the rage. They're also quite cosy and comfortable! However, learning how to properly wear an oversized T-shirt is essential. Otherwise, you risk standing out in a negative way! On days when you're too lazy to dress up, learn how to wear an oversized T-shirt to make a casual statement and appear effortlessly attractive.


Here are some outfit ideas including big T-shirts for you to consider. Check out all of the styling ideas by scrolling down!


1. Oversized t-shirt with a blazer

How to wear oversized tshirt with blazer for women

Wearing an oversized T-shirt with a blazer exudes a refined yet relaxed vibe. Wear a similar shade of the colour palette, such as an oversized white T-shirt with a grey blazer, to make your appearance cohesive. To make the shirt look more trendy, tuck it in and add a tight belt around your waist. This attire is appropriate for semi-formal gatherings or events. It's smart and casual, yet with a formal feel thanks to the blazer.


2. Oversized T-shirt Off-Shoulder Look

How to wear oversized tshirt

Oversized T-shirts with an off-shoulder design are really fashionable. They're loose-fitting and fall below your shoulders. Women with a slim figure may pull this off with ease. This dress draws attention to your shoulders and collarbone. You can add a corset belt on it to give it some shape. All you need is a little self-assurance, and this enormous off-shoulder T-shirt will look fantastic!


3. Tucked Oversized T-shirt

how to tuck oversized tshirt with jeans

Oversized T-shirts tucked in are incredibly cute and easygoing. You may project a laid-back vibe while yet looking stylish. An oversized T-shirt coupled with denim shorts is sure to make a statement. On a relaxing day or when you just want to hang out with pals, this might be your go-to attire. It's quite comfy and easy to wear while still being extremely fashionable.


4. Belt It Up

Belts are a great way to dress up your large t-shirts. They define your waistline and make you look slimmer. On big T-shirts, girls frequently use bold black belts. You can also use vibrant hues such as crimson. This attire is appropriate for both day and night.


5. Oversized T-shirt With Shorts

oversized t-shirt with shorts

Wearing oversized T-shirts with shorts is so much fun and stylish. They're laid-back but nonetheless make a fashion statement. You may wear them with denims in blue, black, or even white and look fantastic. This look is appropriate for a brunch or a casual day out shopping or running errands. It's comfortable, fashionable, and simple to put on. Shorts and oversized T-shirts are a match made in heaven. Just go for it and slay the look!


6. Knot It

How to wear a oversized tshirt with knot

Fashionistas and glam queens alike adore this look. It's casual, but the front knot adds a sleek touch that makes it look smart. Overskirts, denims, or shorts can be worn with the knotted large T-shirt. Depending on the situation, you can accessorise it appropriately. These knot-styled large T-shirts will look great day or night. They are the perfect balance of comfort and style.


7. Oversized T-shirt With Dungarees

Dungarees and oversized T-shirts look effortlessly cool. They're lighthearted, laid-back, and sporty. The suit exudes a sophisticated air. Dungarees are a relaxed look, and wearing them with baggy clothing merely makes everything more comfortable and fashionable. An oversized white T-shirt and blue denim dungarees are a common colour combo. This outfit would look great with a pair of sleek white sneakers.


8. Oversized T-shirt With Track Pants

Oversized t-shirts paired with track trousers are warm, comfortable, and simple to wear. This outfit is your best friend on days when you just want to lounge around in baggy clothes. Caps and shades can be added to complete the look. Sneakers are the best choice for this look. On cold days, you can even wear it to the gym.


9. Wear It As A Dress

How to wear a oversized t-shirt like a dress

When you don't have time or don't want to dress up, the quickest method to appear fantastic is to wear an oversized T-shirt as a dress. It's relaxed, comfy, and looks put-together. If you want to look more stylish, you can wear a corset belt. For this, boots or shoes would be ideal.


We owe a debt of gratitude to the designers of big T-shirts. They took into account our comfort and style when creating this fantastic upper garment. And now that you know how to style big T-shirts for various styles, you may as well brace yourself for the barrage of praises you'll receive once you put them on. You'll definitely steal the show everywhere you go, whether you tuck your T-shirt in or roll up the sleeves, throw on a coat, or add a belt.


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