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How to wear a tie 2022

How to wear a tie 2020


It's an age-old concept to dress the way you want to be seen in society, not just for yourself. However, what you wear now determines your level of confidence, and confident men seldom fail to attract attention. Having said that, a tie is an accessory that can be used to spruce up a casual attire and make it look smart. It brings a person's individuality to the next level. Nonetheless, many people are perplexed.


Read these 3 ways to wear a tie:

How to wear a tie 2022

Reference: RestartYourstyle

The Four-in-Hand Tie Knot 

The Four-in-Hand knot comes first because it's the simplest to learn. It's a little, asymmetrical knot that looks best on thin collars. This knot is best for informal occasions because it doesn't appear as if you spent too much time in front of the mirror precisely tying it. You appear to have thrown on a tie almost as an afterthought before leaving the house. This is also the knot to know if you're ever in a hurry.


  1. Begin by crossing the wide end over the narrow end.
  2. Fold the wide end underneath the narrow end.
  3. Pass the wide end horizontally over the narrow end again.
  4. Take the wide end up and through the loop around your neck.
  5. Take the wide end through the knot in front. Proceed to tighten the knot and pull it up to your collar.

Half Windsor

The Half Windsor knot is a simplified variant of the Full Windsor knot. It will be a piece of cake to study the latter once you have mastered this one. It's a stepping stone to the real thing, but that doesn't make it any less of a great knot in its own right. While it is less formal than its full version, it is still formal, so I wouldn't recommend wearing it casually. It's considerably more appropriate for an office setting.


  1. Begin by crossing the wide end over the narrow end.
  2. Fold the wide end underneath the narrow end.
  3. Pull the wide end up.
  4. Take the wide end back down through the loop.
  5. Move the wide end horizontally over the narrow end.
  6. Take the wide end up through the loop.
  7. Pull the wide end through the knot in front. Proceed to tighten the knot and pull it up to your collar.

Windsor Tie Knot (Full Windsor)

For formal situations, the Full Windsor tie knot is the ideal option. This isn't something you should wear casually. It's a totally symmetrical thick, wide, triangular knot. It works best with shirts that have a wide spread collar. This one should be saved for weddings, major business meetings, and presentations.


  1. Begin by crossing the wide end of the rope across the narrow end of the rope.
  2. Back through the loop around your neck with the broad end.
  3. Take the broad end and cross it over the narrow end in the same direction you did in step 1.
  4. Underneath the narrow end, fold the wide end.
  5. Raise the wide end...
  6. Return to step 4 and repeat the loop in the opposite direction.
  7. Fold the wide end over the small end horizontally.
  8. As in step 2, bring the broad end up through the loop once more.
  9. Pull the knot's wide end through.

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